
2025 Walnut Lane Membership Packages

Membership Type Restrictions  Annual Price
Unlimited Anytime $1800
Limited Anytime M-F, After 12p Sat-Sun $1,550
Twilight After 12pm Mon-Sun $1,350
Mon-Thursday Mon-Thurs Anytime $1,200
Mon-Thursday Senior (60+) Mon-Thurs Anytime $1,000
Associate Membership

Discounted Greens Fees
USGA GHIN Handicap
GAP Access, League and Event Early Access,
Club Championship

Practice Sat, Sun Anytime $150

Membership Terms

1. All Annual Golf Memberships are valid from Date of Purchase until December 31, 2024.

2. Annual Golf Memberships allow play at Walnut Lane Golf Club as well as John F. Byrne Golf Club in accordance with the designated days and times for the membership plan that is purchased.

3. Annual golf members may use a golf cart for an additional fee of $15 per member per round with a maximum of 2 carts per group. Individual carts will not be given out unless playing as a single player.

4. Annual golf memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable.

5. Annual golf memberships must be paid in one payment and included with the application.

6. Permits are not valid during First Tee Play, holidays, tournaments, outings, leagues, or any other contracted events. Practice Memberships include practice facilities only at WLGC.

7. In submitting an application for an annual golf membership, the purchaser agrees to abide by the rules and regulations and conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times. Breach of these rules can result in the loss of privileges and forfeiture of membership fees paid.

8. Prior to beginning each round of golf, All Annual Members MUST: Schedule a tee time, Register in the Pro-Shop, Present his or her Membership Card with Proper Photo ID, Receive Receipt and Present the Receipt to the Starter.

First Tee Greater Philadelphia, John F Byrne Golf Club, and Walnut Lane Golf Club reserves the right, at its discretion, to close the course due to bad weather, golf outings, special events, or other conditions. In the event of lightning, or any other rapidly changing weather conditions, all players on the course should cease play and exercise good judgment. Players play at their own risk. There is no lightning detection system monitoring weather conditions and alerting players. The purchaser, as a condition of permit use, agrees to indemnify and release First Tee Greater Philadelphia, Walnut Lane Golf Club, John F. Byrne Golf Club, and the City of Philadelphia (and employees from all four entities), from and for all liability of personal injury or loss/ damage to property or person by purchasers use of the golf course and any related facilities. The purchaser understands that golf can be a dangerous sport; that rocks, holes, various terrain, repair areas, and many other hazards and obstacles exist on a golf course and such dangers are recognized and accepted whether marked or unmarked. The purchaser realizes that accidents occur and injuries may result, and therefore, assumes all the risks involved with playing golf.

Membership Request